Monday, August 13, 2012

My weekend in Instagram

Happy Monday! I have to say, I had a pretty great weekend. Friday night I went out with some friends for drinks, Saturday was spent in "the cave" aka our apartment watching a Jason Bourne marathon followed by a jazz concert across the street, and Sunday was spent strolling around Madrid in the morning, watching the US beat Spain in the basketball final and then watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics! The highlight was definitely watching the Spice Girls perform, and now all I want to do is listen to music from the 90's. All around, it couldn't have been a better weekend!

new earrings, favorite nail polish, calle de preciados
zara necklace i can't stop wearing, roomie and i, jazz concert at el conde duque
puerta del sol, sunday morning entertainment, plaza de callao
street performers, creepy mickey close-up, puerta del sol
city hall
usa victory, sunday dinner, glass of verdejo

1 comment:

Cara said...

I love that picture of you with that bright necklace!! Looks like you had a fun weekend- way more exciting than mine!