Friday, August 24, 2012

Congratulations are in order!

Before I post the rest of my photos from Menorca I wanted to take today to talk about something else. One of my best friends got engaged last weekend and I couldn't be more excited for the happy couple! It's so hard being in Spain and missing things like this, but thankfully with technology these days we'll be able to have a virtual toast to celebrate :) Beth and I met in our sorority back in college and also worked at the student rec center together. I have so many great memories of wine nights and margarita nights and girls' nights in and I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle! Unfortunately I don't know Wes very well, as I wasn't living in Colorado when they met, but I did get to meet up with him in Amsterdam back in March. He's a great guy with a huge heart and it's clear how much he loves Beth. Congrats Wes and Beth!

And just for a throwback... I couldn't resist. Love you B!

Oh, and I'm heading to Lisbon, Portugal tomorrow morning for a long weekend so I'll be back in business Wednesday! Até mais tarde meus amigos!!!


Cara said...

Hawt, guuurrl.
Have fun in Portugal this weekend, you traveling wild woman.

beth.vangoethem said...