Friday, January 20, 2012


I've been in Spain for about a week and a half at this point and it still hasn't sunk in that this will be my home for the next 6-12 months. Today was a big day though, I now have a Spanish phone number. I don't have any friends to talk to yet, but that's beside the point. I needed a phone number to apply for jobs and call about apartments and etc. I've gotten pretty spoiled with my fancy iPhone in the past few months, but for only 19 euro I got this little gem!

I cheated and set the language to English, but I did set it on military time so I can get used to it. My favorite part: this phone has a built-in flashlight! It's genius.

Other than that, my days have been spent strolling the streets in search of delicious goodies, fantastically cheap wine (it really is cheaper than water here), and trying to make friends. I've also been applying to a few jobs. Next Friday, the 27th, I'm signed up to do a volunteer program called Pueblo Ingles. For one week I'll be living in La Alberca, which is in the Province of Salamaca in western Spain. They provide accommodations and food, and I just talk in English all day long. I'm really excited for it, I'll get to see another part of the country, get experience teaching English, and hopefully make some connections.

I'm in Malaga right now, which is where I'm hoping I can find work. The weather is amazing and the people are really nice here.


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