Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tres Meses

el oso y el madroño (the bear and the strawberry tree, the symbol of madrid)

3 months. 3 whole months. That's how long I've been in Spain. I can't believe how fast it's gone by! I also still can't believe I've found myself in Madrid, but I am in love with this city. I think back to before I left the US, and I had my heart set on Malaga and the beach, but now I can't imagine myself anywhere but Madrid. I look forward to my morning commutes and wandering up and down the streets every day. I've met so many interesting people, made so many new friends, and had the opportunity to see some incredible pieces of history.

I know the next 3 months (and the 3 after that, and after that...) will be just as great. Especially since I've got a visit from this lovely lady to look forward too!!

i would do almost anything for a Rio marg...


May 13th can't come soon enough!!


beth.vangoethem said...

Love this! Wish I was coming too!

also... email me back!!

Cara said...

I love your hair in this picture!!!!