Thursday, April 12, 2012


Some of you might know this, but for those who don't, here's a little known fact about me: I get obsessed with songs. Like really, really obsessed. Like listen to a song on repeat 15 times a day for a week straight. In college I remember listening to this song at least 40 times just in iTunes, and who knows how many times on my iPod. Then there was one summer where I listened to this song over and over again trying to memorize the lyrics so I could sing along with my roommate. And when I got to Spain I listened to this song constantly because it was playing everywhere and I wanted to know the lyrics so I could fit in. Right now I'm really into this song. I heard it on Grooveshark, and I have no idea if it's popular in the US right now or not, but the video is pretty cool and I love the music and the guy's voice.


Here are a few more things I've been obsessed with lately:


I am LUSTING after this skirt. Seriously. I've tried in on 5 times in the past 3 days. I love it, but I just don't know how practical a white skirt would be. Thoughts.... it's also available in yellow, which I'm a fan of.

Trying to find a color similar to this Essie Lilacism nail polish. I refuse to pa€ 12,00 for a bottle of nail polish. 

My Grandma used to always tell me to wear lipstick. And I used to think that lipstick was just for grandmas, so I didn't wear it. But I've converted. A lot of Spanish women wear lipstick, so obviously I need to fit in. L'Oreal has a line of intense colors and natural colors created especially for blondes or brunettes, so it helps take away a lot of the guess work that goes with picking out a lipstick. I haven't bought one yet, but every time I walk by a shop that I know will carry them, I put one on and wear it for a few hours. I think I might be close to picking one!

Besos! xo

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Get the skirt you fool!