Monday, January 28, 2013

Roma... from my iPhone

Yes, I got back from Rome about a month ago and I still haven't gotten around to putting up pictures. I don't have a good excuse. This weekend I spent hours going through all the pictures I've taken the last few months and I plan on sharing them soon :) Until then, these are a bunch that I snapped on my phone.

vatican city across the river


st. peter's basilica

delicious italian sandwiches

st. peter's basilica

my face upon entering the oldest gelateria in rome / the best gelato i've ever eaten

at the top of the spanish steps

We were there from the 24th to the 28th and stayed a great place just across the bridge from the Trastevere neighborhood, which was great because we were able to walk to all the main attractions and were surrounded by amazing (and cheap!) restaurants. Since we had to much time in Rome most of our days were pretty leisurely, and we spent a lot of time sitting outside at cafes soaking up the sunshine.

1 comment:

Nicole Marie said...

so pretty! i want to get to italy while i'm here