Monday, January 14, 2013

happy Spainiversary to me!

this was actually from my birthday but oh well

Last Thursday marked one year since I arrived in Spain! I really cannot believe how fast 365 days went by. I remember my first day in Madrid so clearly, and I know that I am not the same girl who stupidly paid 70 euros for a taxi from the airport to the center. One year later I am more open-minded, accepting, brave, self-reliant, confidant, and most importantly, happy.

The other night my roommates and I were out having a few drinks and one of them asked me what things I miss the most about the U.S and what things I like better about Spain. It seemed appropriate to share my list here.

Things I miss about the U.S
-My family
-My friends

 -Chipotle. And many other places that I won't list for the sake of space.
-Target. I really miss being able to go to just 1 place to buy everything I need.
-Good customer service (although I've gotten used to the lack of it here)

Things I prefer about Spain
-Not driving! 
This one shocks me, because I enjoy driving. But I've found that I really love taking the metro. I have time to read, I never have to worry about looking for a parking spot, there's great people watching, and I save so much money every month on transportation compared to everything I had to pay to drive. Also walking everywhere saves money on a gym membership!
-Cafe con leche
-Line drying my clothes in the summer. No dryer sheet smells as good as sunshine.
-The kids. Honestly, Spanish children are just too cute! And hearing them whine in Spanish is so much better than English.
-The prices. I think Madrid is cheap considering it's the capitol city.
-The ease and price of travel. I can fly 3 countries over for half of what it cost me to fly from California to Montana.

I'm sure I could have spent hours compiling these lists, but those were just the things that came to me the other night. Looking back on all I've seen in 2012 is so much fun, and I'm so excited to check more places off my list this spring!









Paris again

Rome... pictures to come!

1 comment:

Cara said...


now come back.