Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home?

I am probably the world's worst blogger, I apologize. The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy and I just can't seem to get on a schedule. Last week at Pueblo Ingles I had an amazing time (and will blog all about it later) and now I'm back in Madrid. I've made the decision to stay in Madrid and look for work. It was a hard decision to make because I really loved Malaga and the beach, but every single Spaniard I met last week told me I'd have the most luck finding work in Madrid. And to be fair, I do like Madrid. I feel like it's one of those cities a person could live in forever and find something new everyday. There's a sort of energy here that I really love and it has an appeal to me that I can't put into words. The biggest thing I can't accept is how big the city is. I'm not really a big city girl, so that's going to take some getting used to. The population of Madrid is about 3.3 million and there are only 1 million people in the whole state of Montana so this is definitely a change for me. Right now my priority is finding an apartment, which is not an easy task. It's really difficult looking for a place to live when I know nothing about the neighborhoods, but I've met some really helpful ex-pats who have been great with giving me advice. 

Here are some my favorite things about Madrid so far:

1. El Mercado de San Miguel (more to come later)
2. Walking everywhere
3. People who dress their dogs up in sweaters AND pants

I'm also happy to report that my Spanish is improving, slowly but surely!

Wish me luck with my apartment search!!

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