Wednesday, July 31, 2013

senderismo en españa

Senderismo, or hacer senderismo, mean hiking or to go hiking in Spanish. Growing up in Montana, I've always always loved hiking, and I don't think there's anything better than a day spent out of the city in the fresh mountain air. Since moving to Madrid, I definitely missed being able to spend an afternoon hiking, and while I knew there were places to go hiking outside of Madrid, they were not so easy to get to (take this metro then this train then this bus then walk to this sign sort of thing) so when my roommates wanted to go back in May I jumped on the opportunity! I wish I knew the name of the place where we hiked, but I heard the area called like 5 different things. We drove about 45 minutes outside the city to the pueblo of El Escorial (another place that's great for a day trip, there's a beautiful monastery) and parked our car and then walked about 10 minutes to the trail head. Truthfully, it was a much harder hike than anyone expected it to be, but the views at the top were so worth it. We brought a picnic of bocadillos and took a little siesta at the top before heading back down. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday!

starting the trek... ignore my face. and the way i'm carrying that backpack

El Escorial through the trees

taking a little break

madrid is far off in the distance

we made it! so worth the sore legs

1 comment:

Nicole Marie said...

so many friends went hiking around madrid but i never went... bummer