Thursday, September 27, 2012


foxy lady?
I feel so European. Or maybe just Spanish... I'm not sure if the rest of Europe is as obsessed with animals on clothing as Spain is. I finally gave in though. Zara is FULL of tops and pants with animals on them right now. Birds, dogs, cats, horses, foxes.... Something about this top just spoke to me and I had to have it! Anyways, here's a weekly update on my Spanish progress!

new words/phrases
1- chivato/a = tattletale
2- aguantar = to bear, endure. can also be used to say "deal with it!" te aguantas!
3- estar hecho de polvo = to be totally exhausted
4- dar el primer paso = to give the first step, literally but means the same as to make the first move
5- presupuesto = budget
6- tener ganas de... = feel like something. tengo ganas de salir = I feel like going out

1- I was pronoucing "chivata" like ciabatta. I don't think a little kid would care if I called him a type of Italian bread.
2- I am really struggling with the irregular verbs. I need to seriously study this.

Y no mas. I haven't been a very good student this week...

1 comment:

Nicole Marie said...

i'm adding all these to my flashcards!