Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Amsterdam Continued

Like I mentioned the other day, I didn't take a ton of photos in Amsterdam due to the bike and the torential downpour that took place the entire last day we were there. Our second day there we went on a walking tour in the morning and then rode our bikes over to the brewery. It was really cute and even had a windmill out front. I almost felt like I was at New Belgium again :)

new belguim brewery, fort collins, co cerca 2008


After the brewery we just rode our bikes around and enjoyed the sun while it lasted. Here are the rest of the photos from Amsterdam!

Amsterdam was so amazing, and I can understand why so many Americans move there. I'm really bummed the weather was so bad while we were there, but luckily I have a friend living there so hopefully I'll be making another trip this spring!

ps- the reason I'm wearing that hat in every single photo is because it was freezing and raining and my hair was a hot mess. I haven't turned into a Rastafarian. It was, however, the best €1 I've spent to date.

1 comment:

Cara said...

oh now you are so cool that you have friends all over amsterdam, huh? i see.

ps- i'm really looking forward to our skype date on friday.